4 Benefits of Becoming a Preceptor

A Preceptor plays an indispensable, unique role that benefits not only eager-to-learn students but the entire field of medicine. Their contributions extend far beyond the immediate task of teaching; they shape the future of our profession, instill values and work ethic, and safeguard the continuity of high standards within care. 

Preceptors’ guidance guarantees that students are molded into competent, compassionate, and skilled clinicians who will one day successfully step into the roles they have been trained for. By investing this time and expertise, we can ensure that the profession will remain in safe and capable hands. 

If you’ve been on the fence about becoming a Preceptor or are new to precepting, here are four benefits to consider as you begin your journey. 

Supplemental Income 

For medical professionals looking to increase revenue, precepting with platforms like MomentMD offers the chance to earn supplemental income from seeing their own telemedicine patients, while concurrently teaching about them, without having to devote additional time. 

In some circumstances, Preceptors can also gain additional recognition for their contributions to education by being noted as adjuncts through the universities in which their students attend. This can introduce opportunities for professional networking, future collaboration, and even career advancement. 

Continuing Education Opportunities

The field of medicine is exponentially evolving, especially with technological advancements–MomentMD being one of them! Precepting students encourages staff to stay current with the latest advancements, research, and clinical trials in their respective specialties. As the saying goes, “The best way to learn is to teach.” 

Precepting requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter, motivating preceptors to update their knowledge and skills continuously and earn CMEs.

Hone Leadership and Other Soft Skills

Soft skills, like leadership and communication, are instrumental to providing quality care, but they’re among the most complex skills to teach, let alone nurture. Precepting hones leadership and mentorship capabilities by giving medical professionals the opportunity to collaboratively influence students’ personal and professional pathways, which consequently increases the confidence levels and autonomy of our providers. 

Increased Job Satisfaction

Many Preceptors report increased job satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment when mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals. After all, preceptors play a crucial role in helping students expand their knowledge base and further their careers. This intrinsic reward often translates into a renewed passion for our professions. 

Preceptors serve as the critical bridge between academic learning and real-world application. By modeling professionalism, preceptors help instill a strong ethical foundation in our students, ensuring they understand the importance of integrity and responsibility in patient care. 

Ultimately, by precepting students, healthcare professionals contribute to the sustainability and advancement of the profession. This critical role ensures that future practitioners are well-prepared to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving healthcare landscape, influencing caring, competent students to one day take care of our families—and possibly ourselves.

Ready to transform healthcare from the inside out? Become a Preceptor with MomentMD today. 

Michelle DeLucia, MSN, FNP-C is a dedicated family nurse practitioner with almost a decade of experience in providing compassionate, patient-centered care. Her passion for healthcare extends beyond the clinic; she is an avid blogger who enjoys sharing her insights on health trends, wellness tips, and evidence-based practices.